Executive Dashboard & Reporting

Helping you taking informed business decisions.

Financial Analytics & Reporting

Often business enterprises maintain books of accounts because it is seen as one of the things which they need to do if you are running a business. It is often seen as a tool to record the spending as also to record the billings to the client and to find how much profit was made.

The management & key stakeholders who are responsible for decision making need data to take informed decisions. Decision makers can take quality decisions faster if they are supported with data & analytics in time. Many a times management get the data very late & that too in bits and pieces and by the time the entire data is put together it’s too late for them to use the same for any kind of decision making.

But businesses do not use the enormous information which can be churned out of their accounts system or ERP which would be invaluable in day to day running of the business. Information which can help in decision making process and guide the business in achieving the goals set by them.

This happens mainly because the businesses do not have a system of preparing and using analytical data from its accounting system or ERP. Analytics do not happen on its own. You need to define what is needed and accordingly capture data from the grassroot level. Many a times the data for the analytics proves to be a herculean task as it has to be created manually which is very time consuming, prone to errors and lacks consistency. Often by the time any analytical data come out of the system, it loses its importance because it is received so late.

Businesses which have multi product, multi-location, multi division and multi projects scenarios really struggle to find solutions if something goes wrong because they do not have data to find & fix the problem.

Finance Optima has the solution & is pleased to introduce “Business Analytics Services”.

A unique, one of its kind services whereby Finance Optima provides complete, state of the art analytics for your business month after month, year after year. Whether your back-end accounting operations is outsourced and handled by Finance Optima or you maintain your accounts internally within your organization, this service can be availed by anyone.

Analysis which reveal intricate details of your business; analytics which highlight the problems of the business, analysis which point out where exactly is the problem, analysis which show which parts of business is doing extremely well and should be focused for expansion, analysis which help you take complex business decisions, analysis which could be the difference between success and failure, analysis which would take your business to the next level.

We hold extensive discussions with all the stakeholders and decision makers to understand the business and their unique requirements as far as data and analytics are concerned. Our extensive experience in various industries helps us in designing and providing business specific, high quality analytics which is of immense help to organisations in their day to day decision making and running of the business. Our technology driven back end ensures that high quality analytics are delivered to our clients in incredibly short turnaround times to help take time sensitive business decisions.

Finance Optima’s Analytical Package contains extensive analysis:

  • Business wise
  • Division wise
  • Project wise
  • Product wise
  • Budgetary analysis
  • Cost analysis
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Balance Sheet Analysis
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Tax Analysis
  • Compliance analysis

and many more. We also provide business specific analytics to suit individual businesses.

We help you create meaningful reports for all purposes, whether they are for review meetings or management decision making, investment decisions, shareholder requirements or for provision to external agencies.

    Executive Dashboard

    An executive dashboard is a powerful tool for the management as this provides the  time-constrained executives with essential business intelligence.  A well-designed executive dashboard summarizes complex data points into easily digestible snippets that can be translated into clear actions for the entire business. If a KPI warrants investigation, your executive dashboard keeps you informed. The benefits of executive dashboards include getting answers to critical business questions, aligning business actions with corporate strategy, and boosting productivity.

    Finance Optima specialises in creating specialised reports & dashboards for senior management as well as Directors, Investors and other key internal or external stakeholders. Each of the above stakeholders have different perspectives and requirements for analysis of the business and we help you design intelligent reports to suit the requirement of each one of them.